abg sudip nk cter psl sowg kwn abg sudip nie....mula2 kenal dia ok.., baik...sume..tpy bila dh lama..rupa2nya abg sudip yg terhegeh2 nk kwn ngn dia...dia mcm nk xnk je kwn ngn abg sudip...apa ko ingt ko HOT PAPA..nk aq terhegeh2 kt ko...
kenapalah kat dunia ni ada yang perasan dia tu diva...nk kwn org bila dia rsa nk kwn..hello.....sial la puiii....ko nk ke hdp ko nty bila dh nk mampus....org xdtg ziarah ko...
i care about you, i protect you, i help you u when u need me...but why know...u throw me away like..i am nobody towrd you...aq rsa mcm nk menangis...
kowg jgn trtipu k..ni abg sudip ltk eye mo bebnyk kt sni tu yg mcm air mata duyung tu heeeee...........
xpelah...TF... there will be a day..where it reflect back to you..msa tu bru ko thu spa kwn spa lwn...ko...
x syg kan nyawa ko nampak pedang leplap aq ni warna biru..ha masuk
abg sudip pun xthulah...knp dlm dunia ramai manusia..yg mcm nie... klu ko menang AJL 10 KALI mcm dtuk siti bole la ko...nk kekwatpun ngn aq..ni stkt pgngn jwtn kt tmpt ko blaja...dh nk riak...teruk...PANGAI Ko kan???
ko mampu..menang AJL ??? xkn...so klu x....please appreciate org!!!!
rasa mcm nk unfreind je dry fb aq tu..tpy bila dipikirkan balik...aq ni bukannya...bagus sngt nk unfreind2 org....nk bnci..org..tpy aq xunfreind ko sb aq nk tngk ko plk kena....mcm aq kena...rasain lo....
i hate people that....hipokrit to me...if u don't like me to be ur fren...jgn uat aq terhegeh2 kat ko...OK...iingt ko HOT STUFF ke....i hope whatever that u did to me..will reflect back to you...and it's call KARMA..mister..
Let cruelty, pain and evil ways
Follow this villain through all his daysReverse the torment he creates
Follow this villain through all his daysReverse the torment he creates
amik ko....haiyaaaa....
settle jiwa dan raga....aq kat ko....mmg dh adat..org kita swh main2 bls2 smpy xsdh2 btl x.tpy my style..nty aq lupa dh psl kita gdh..... itu sja dry abg sudip..
celoteh serta rintihan anak tiri dari abg sudip..yg hnsm...
amboi... kemaen ehh, takpe kt sni kau bedal kew nk hentam pe pun.
pic last tu HANDSOME kew???